School Makerspaces Matter
DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford

School Makerspaces Matter

Liberty Tech students were peacefully assembled together, awaiting their latest creation around a laser engraver in the school’s makerspace. Written on a sheet of paper next to the laser were the dimensions for a pegboard with a purpose.

“We're working on pegboards for therapists to help kids with disabilities ,” Liberty manufacturing science student Austin Vande Zande explained, “[to] strengthen their hands and have them be more hands-on. ”

These teens were using their resources for good. 

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Made at theCO: Multi-Layered Wooden Sign
Made at theCO Katie Weatherford Made at theCO Katie Weatherford

Made at theCO: Multi-Layered Wooden Sign

There is something so mesmerizing about a computer-motorized machine like the CNC router we have in theCO’s makerspace, and we’ve been getting a lot of fun use out of it lately. It might be the super smooth curves or the sheer precision of the cuts, but one thing is for sure: it allows you to make some cool custom signs! This week’s Made at theCO article is all about multi-layered wooden signs.

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Our Jackson Home: Proudly Made In America
Our Jackson Home Katie Weatherford Our Jackson Home Katie Weatherford

Our Jackson Home: Proudly Made In America

Next week at our second MakeShift lunch session, we are proud to welcome Preston Powell of Yukon Outfitters to share about the why taking risks is essential for success—something he knows personally since uprooting his life and business from Hong Kong to Jackson, Tennessee. Read this family's crazy story for yourself on the Our Jackson Home blog, told by his wife Lexi Powell of Alexandra Lauren Design.

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MakeShift 2017
Events Katie Weatherford Events Katie Weatherford

MakeShift 2017

We can't wait to kick off MakeShift with a bang next week with Brad Montague's session on intention and imagination—and so many other great ones to come! Read below for a little insight into each of our speakers and their presentations, and if you can't decide which one to attend, click here to register for the full series at a discount.

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Our Jackson Home: The Escape Artist
Our Jackson Home, CO.STARTERS Katie Weatherford Our Jackson Home, CO.STARTERS Katie Weatherford

Our Jackson Home: The Escape Artist

Through his continually growing business Jackson Escape RoomsCO:member and CO.STARTERS graduate Lee Wilson has made us proud in a handful of ways—not to mention through his most recent endeavor, starring on CBS's new reality TV show, Hunted. Check out this Our Jackson Home story by Josh Garcia giving us a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how entwined it is with JER, and don't miss the premiere this Saturday.

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Best of 2016
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

Best of 2016

2016 has been a year full of new endeavors, continued traditions, and revised programs. Here are a few of our favorite highlights. Can't wait to make more memories next year!

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Happy New Year! (Almost.)
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

Happy New Year! (Almost.)

Yet another year has come and gone as if 366 days (Leap year, remember?) never stood between it. However, a lot can happen in a year, especially if you’re running a business. theCO wants to be the first to congratulate you and your business on all that you’ve accomplished. We also want to be the first to encourage those wishing their ideas would just take off: there is never a better time to start than now! We’ve been busy, but have you? A new year is the perfect chance to get your priorities straightened out and realize there are a lot of helpful resources right in your own backyard. These resources happen to live in a magical world called theCO

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