A CO:made Christmas
These wonderful creators at theCO have all the gifts that will keep on giving year-round. We’ve got both essential and offbeat items for you and yours this holiday season.
Member Spotlight: Timothy Simpson
"trying to capture things as they happen is a whole other challenge, and making sure that I’m really capturing the vibe of the moment when I’m doing concerts or when I covered the Ferguson protest, making sure I’m capturing what is going on when it’s happening—and really capturing it accurately and doing it justice..."

theCOtoberfest 2016 Recap
What happens when a bunch of creatives fill one coworking makerspace? Pandemonium. Or
theCOtoberfest—or what is often referred to as a celebration of do-it-yourself and do-it-together.
Members Spotlight: Jeremy Brown
"being around people that had a little bit of “Why can’t we do it a different way? Why can’t we think of it differently? Why don’t we work together? What can we accomplish if we worked united?”...
Happy Socktober
Socktober, an invention of word play and a West Tennessee man’s good heart is ready for a sixth season. Brad Montague is the creator Kid President and the guy who put the sock in Socktober.

A.M. Creative Recap: John Reitzammer
"Piece by piece, he stitches the story together weaving in scenes of old. What comes through every bit of Reitzmammer’s work is his signature editing style. "