Members Spotlight: Jeremy Brown

Member Spotlight: Jeremy Brown

Interviewed and Transcribed by Felicia Ingram



Jeremy Brown, lead pastor at Journey Church, studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and has been in the ministry for twenty-four years. He is dedicated to his family first and church of seven years second. Be warned, he does not like to be referred to as Pastor Jeremy—just Jeremy.

Tell me about yourself.

I've always wanted to start new things…. So the idea of starting a new church really fit me really well. I’ll be 43 next month. I’m married with three awesome kids. My wife, Sheila, and I have been married for twenty years. The real reason we started a church is we felt that God was calling us, but behind that it's always been something that God’s kind of planted that entrepreneurial drive.

What brings you to theCO?

Honestly, that exact same entrepreneurial collaboration—being around people that had a little bit of “Why can’t we do it a different way? Why can’t we think of it differently? Why don’t we work together? What can we accomplish if we worked united?”

I mean, just honestly, it’s just something that Jackson needs. I mean, we don’t get to use it as much as we we wanted to, but we keep [our membership] because Jackson needs this kind of thing.… There’s some cool stuff we can do!

What have you gained from being a CO:member?

Tangibly, we’ve made the signs for our building in the back in the [makerspace]. And we’ve also created relationships, talked about some creativity and different ways of looking at video—and different ways of approaching some of the collaborative things that have been good around theCO.

What would you tell others about theCO’s community?

You know everybody works together. And we actually had a renter in our office, and I encouraged her to quit renting from us and join theCO. It's cheaper, and she’d be able to experience a collaborative community.

Any closing thoughts?

I think everyone’s been great. It’s just a great place to meet people, and it's been fantastic anda lot of different things. And it's a great place to work a


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