3 Ways to Boost Your Biz with Pinterest
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, Facebook and Instagram probably keep you pretty busy. But Pinterest isn’t just another social media tool to add to your to-do list, it’s a search engine that can reach far beyond your followers.

Dev Catalyst Alumni Spotlight: Semal Sheh
Sheh shared that while home recently from New Jersey he ran into Dan Drogosh, theCO’s Operations Manager. Drogosh invited Sheh to stop by theCO and catch up during his break. When he did he was able to connect with Sodium Halogen and land an internship with them.

CO:member Spotlight: Rusty Ballentine
“The first time I used the 3D printer, it blew my mind,” Ballentine says. “You leave, looking at an empty space, and come back at the end of the print, seeing that two-dimensional item on the computer screen now sitting in front of you to pick up. I was just absolutely floored.”

Dev Catalyst Alumni Spotlight: Shane Elder
From working with St. Jude, creating wrist braces that actively and instantly detect cardiac arrests and seizures for their patients, to researching with Rhodes College professors, building a machine that finds dents and scratches in the aluminum parts used in Boeing airplanes, Elder has definitely not taken the internship experience for granted throughout his college career.

What is theCO?
So many people ask us "What is theCO?" it's never really been a simple answer and in the nearly seven years we've been around it's changed quite a bit. We've grown into this...theCO is a regional innovation hub focused on building a culture of opportunity. We have three areas of focus: Small Business Support, STEAM Education, and Community Placemaking.

CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Jackson Fence Company And Their Commitment To Community
A few months after founding the company, Johnson noticed an ad for the CO:STARTERS program, a nine-week program through theCO to equip and educate aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools they need to begin their business and realized it could be the next step in growing his business.

Dev Catalyst Alumni: Colton Cronin and A New Perspective
Today on the blog, we’re catching up with Colton Cronin, a senior math and economics major from Vanderbilt University. He reflects on his trip to San Francisco and the takeaway that fun and exciting jobs are not only out there, but they’re also attainable for students who are learning skills through Dev Catalyst.

CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Erin Nerren and Creative Magic
For Erin, the creative flow is magical (hence the name, Magic Is Happening), and she is grateful for her community for supporting that creativity in makers like herself who stand up for local, slow, and ethical fashion.