Work Smarter: Four Apps You Didn’t Know You Needed 
theCO, Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford theCO, Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford

Work Smarter: Four Apps You Didn’t Know You Needed 

With people relying on technology more now than ever, we asked ourselves ‘how can we help people work more efficiently, so they can take care of what matters most in their lives?’ To help us answer this question, Kevin Adelsberger, founder and manager of Adelsberger Marketing, sat down and gave some critical advice to those who want to be more productive in the workday.

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Are You Ready for 731Day?
Events Katie Weatherford Events Katie Weatherford

Are You Ready for 731Day?

Can you believe we are EIGHT days away from 731Day?? Make sure to mark your calendars for Friday, July 31, because despite the many changes 731Day has seen due to COVID-19, our staff has been working tirelessly to make sure the fifth annual celebration of the Jackson community is better than ever. Founded in 2016 by Our Jackson Home, 731Day brings the community together every year on July 31 (7/31) to celebrate the beauty of Jackson and the people in it.

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CO:Member Spotlight: Tim Hayes and His Sweet Life
Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford

CO:Member Spotlight: Tim Hayes and His Sweet Life

Passionate. That’s the one word that comes to my mind after meeting Tim Hayes, founder of How Sweet It Is By Tim and this week’s CO:Member Spotlight. Hayes, whose work has been featured on the Food Network, the Cooking Channel, and Netflix, first dreamed about his career in an unexpected place: his anatomy class. Once the idea of baking popped into his head, he couldn’t shake the desire to start making cakes, so he eventually began an internship with Dumplins, a local bakery in Jackson, and realized his love of baking for the very first time. 

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Black Lives Matter
Katie Weatherford Katie Weatherford

Black Lives Matter

We’re opening up the doors to learn from each other and press through the discomfort that accompanies true growth. For years we’ve been claiming the words “Better Together” as a collaborative community, and we want to make it clear that includes creating and providing opportunities for Black people and People of Color to thrive in our community and beyond.

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Small Businesses: Before You Shut Your Doors For Good...
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

Small Businesses: Before You Shut Your Doors For Good...

This post is for all of our small business owners: if you are on the verge of shutting down your business, consider these three things first. Just ask for the help you need-- it’s humbling but it’s worth it for you to stick around! We’re all in this together!

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