Black Lives Matter

We are heartbroken and angered by the effects of racism in the United States. At theCO, we recognize that as a majority White staff, we have work to do, and we are committed to establishing a culture of equity and justice in our workplace and programming.

We are creating a plan for implementing programming that actively engages the work of anti-racism and inclusivity in our organization and our community. Our commitment is not just for this moment, but to a long-term, ongoing practice. We admit up front that we do not have all the answers — these are some of the questions that we are currently asking ourselves:

  • What biases and blindspots, implicitly and explicitly, do we have as an organization and as individuals?

  • How can we learn (and unlearn) in a way that supports real, sustained change?

  • How will we use our platform to be more inclusive?

We’re opening up the doors to learn from each other and press through the discomfort that accompanies true growth. For years we’ve been claiming the words “Better Together” as a collaborative community, and we want to make it clear that includes creating and providing opportunities for Black people and People of Color to thrive in our community and beyond.

Resources and Tools 

Wondering how you can support this movement?
Here's a List of Resources for Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement

Commit to an Action a Day to Become More Informed 
Justice in June: Do the Work

How Can You Support Jackson Black Owned Businesses?
Our Jackson Home's List of Black-Owned Restaurants

9 Podcasts That Demand Your Attention This Week
Add These Podcasts to Your Queue

11 Shows and Documentaries to Help You Learn
Learn About Racial Justice and Police Brutality

The Anti-Racist Reading List
Books Recommended by Educators and Activists

More Anti-Racism Resources


CO:Member Spotlight: Tim Hayes and His Sweet Life


CO:member Spotlight: Ricky Santos And Finding Creativity In Community