Made at theCO with Jackson Pop-Up Shops
We highlight a few products from the most recent Jackson Pop-Up Shop that were made by members at theCO!

Workshop Recap: Biz Camp
Read about how theCO's first ever Biz Camp, a workshop specially crafted for Jackson's youngest entrepreneurs, was received in its debut series.

Made at theCO with Zac Pankey
In this week's Made At theCO feature we have a closer look at how our newly installed screen printer is helping create our new line of merch!

Business Strategy Night
Regardless of the idea or how many plans you have for it, there are bound to be questions that arise throughout the life cycle of your business. At Business Strategy Night, you’ll be introduced to practical tools that will help answer those questions as your idea expands so that you are ready to take your business forward.

Made at theCO with Katie Howerton
Take a closer look at how Katie Howerton (Communications Coordinator at theCO) created the perfect accent piece for Our Jackson Home using theCO's laser engraver.

Member Spotlight: Chance Smith
" If I’m not innovating outside of work then I don’t feel like I’m able to add anything to my work. I guess it’s all about finding what it is you like, and then feeding that desire, so that you’re not thinking about what you’re doing but actually loving it."
Chance Smith, Innovation Strategist at Sodium Halogen, talks with us about the importance of working in community at theCO and how creative problem solving has helped his clients know that he really cares.

A.M. Creative Recap: Lendon Noe
Read about September's A.M. Creative meetup with artist Lendon Noe over at Our Jackson Home.

Member Spotlight: Lori Reeves
"I wanted to be someone who could help people start things for themselves"