Made at theCO: Brandon Lawson
Made at theCO Katie Weatherford Made at theCO Katie Weatherford

Made at theCO: Brandon Lawson

Have you ever been somewhere around town and seen a piece of furniture or decoration that you really like but that completely breaks the bank in price? Brandon Lawson knows what that’s like. When he saw a rustic American flag hanging at a local business in Jackson and was deterred by the price tag, he decided he would build his own. He started in his kitchen, chiseling out stars by hand, until he had his own wooden flag.

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The Influence of the 3D Printer
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

The Influence of the 3D Printer

3D printing took the world by surprise in 1983 when Charles Hull invented the first 3D printer, but it also took the nation by storm in the late 2000’s when commercial 3D printers first became available. Since the product is now accessible on a wider market, it has changed the way that consumer-focused products are being manufactured and is prompting producers to re-think and re-create some of their products.

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CO:Members Attend ATHENAtechne Hackathon
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

CO:Members Attend ATHENAtechne Hackathon

Memphis held its’ first ever women’s Hackathon late last month at the Fedex Institute of Technology in the hopes of “cultivating a positive environment for women in technology from across the region.” Molly Plyler and Christen Harper, two Dev Catalyst team members at theCO, attended the event which only lasted a short 24 hours.

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Made at theCO: Watering Raspberry Pi
Robotics, Made at theCO Katie Weatherford Robotics, Made at theCO Katie Weatherford

Made at theCO: Watering Raspberry Pi

Have you ever left for vacation and come back to dead or dying plants in your living room?

It happened to me last month, and I was frustrated with feeling like I would never have a green thumb despite my best efforts. Then I heard about Watering Raspberry Pi, a robot built and created by Dev Catalyst students from Lexington High School. The robot is designed to automatically water your plant via a soil moisture sensor, meaning you could go on vacation and not have to worry about your plants!

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Dev Catalyst Becomes CSforAll Member
DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford

Dev Catalyst Becomes CSforAll Member

“Support local change,” “increase rigor and equity,” and “grow the movement.” These are three things that one would see when first opening the CSforAll webpage. The CSforAll Consortium is a effort started by the National Science Foundation to make computer science accessible for all students nationwide. Recently, the organization has added Dev Catalyst, a program of theCO, as a new consortium member alongside big tech companies like Google, Dell, Facebook, and Teach For America.

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CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Seth Nelson
CO.STARTERS, Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford CO.STARTERS, Member Spotlight Katie Weatherford

CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Seth Nelson

Most early teenagers are starting high school and spending their free time hanging out with friends, but at the young age of fourteen, Seth Nelson was busy starting a business. Nelson’s homegrown business, The Farmer’s Perk Organic Coffee Co., started from scratch with only $400 and a kid’s entrepreneurial spirit. He bought fold-out tables and air pots and began showing up every Saturday morning at the farmers’ market to serve Jacksonians coffee while they browsed the produce.

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What is a hackathon?
theCO Katie Weatherford theCO Katie Weatherford

What is a hackathon?

Jackson will see its first ever hackathon this August, and theCO is excited to host it. But you may be thinking—what is a hackathon?

“Hackathon” is pulled together from the words “hack” and “marathon” and typically last several days while people (in this case, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and engineers) meet to collaborate on computer programming. This hackathon will be an entire weekend event, lasting from Friday, August 17th at 5:30pm to Sunday, August 19th to 5:30pm with the theme being “It’s Always Been Done This Way” in an effort to encourage hackers to use their ingenuity and creativity to come up with new and improved tech solutions to old problems.

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Our Jackson Home: 731Day Porchfest
Katie Weatherford Katie Weatherford

Our Jackson Home: 731Day Porchfest

There are few things more perfect on a summer night than live music on a front porch, and this 731Day, we're bringing Jackson's first ever Porchfest! Enjoy FREE and family-friendly music from local musicians throughout the historic LANA/midtown area (specifically Wisdom Street and Division Avenue) in the hospitable yards of your Jackson neighbors.

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