Made at theCO: Mystery Block Lamp
Anyone who has walked into theCO the last couple of weeks may have experienced a flash of childhood nostalgia—memories of sitting on the living room couch, game controller in hand, leading an Italian plumber past a giant, turtle-like being to rescue a kidnapped princess.
To illuminate the new shop at the front of theCO, Austin Thompson, founder and owner of Random Pieces of Wood, has built and installed a light shaped like the Mystery Block in Super Mario games.

New Year, New Ideas: One Year Later - Terrinopolis
Last January, theCO hosted an event called “New Year, New Ideas” as an effort to spread the word some incredible community efforts that were making headway in 2017. One year later, we are celebrating some major progress in these projects and letting you know how you can best support them in 2018.
When Ryan Pflasterer’s daughter, Addison, was nine years old, the two of them began creating the story of a Phoenix father and prodigal daughter that took place in kingdom called Terrinopolis. The king plants seeds for a magical garden, which grows as he awaits the return of his princess.
Now, that garden is taking root in Jackson.

CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Megan Peden Pottery
Tell me a bit about your business.
I make and sell mostly handmade functional work, like cups, mugs, bowls, plates. I make to order, I try to encourage people to give me commissions for dinnerware sets for friends who are getting married and stuff like that, but most of my sales come from the pottery sales at Union and art fairs. Since graduating from Union, I’ve been trying to grow the business and hopefully get it big enough to where I can eventually do that as my career.

Goals for theCO 2018
2018 is gonna be great—of that we're sure. And we're a big fan of making goals in January to keep ourselves accountable to growth and innovation. Check out what goals we're setting for 2018, then come to our space and help us make them a reality!

New Year, New Ideas: One Year Later – theLOCAL + Downtown Movies
Last January, theCO hosted an event called “New Year, New Ideas” as an effort to spread the word some incredible community efforts that were making headway in 2017. One year later, we are celebrating some major progress in these projects and letting you know how you can best support them in 2018.

New Year, New Ideas: One Year Later - Coalescence
Four months ago, the only thing in the dark windows of 300 East Main Street was a sagging blue sign that read, “For Lease, 3 Floors.” Now, anyone driving through the intersection or walking out of ComeUnity Café can see a bright array of photos.
Last year, Aaron Hardin, photography professor at Union University, pitched the idea for “The Coalescence,” a nontraditional downtown gallery space. Hardin proposed placing artwork in the windows of vacant buildings around town. There would be no fancy opening with silver trays of hors d’oeuvres, just placing art an unassuming place anyone could access.

Made at theCO: Alternative Materials
As the new year sets in, many of you are feeling the urge to try new diets, new experiences, and even new projects. As much as I'd enjoy talking about the weird things you're "forced" to eat now, I'd rather talk about what you can make at theCO!
After deciding what you're going to make, next comes the decision of what material you're going to use. I've compiled a list of a few materials other than your typical sheet of wood that I've used and the outcome of the finished product.
2017: Another Great Year in the Books!
Every December I write this article reflecting on the moments, milestones, and amazing people that made 2017 a year to remember. From announcing another Best in the West business competition winner to accepting a state-funded grant in which we have been tasked with turning forty-foot motorhomes into rolling innovation labs, it’s been an extremely busy year for theCO.
However, overlooking the mistakes, the loses, and the setbacks for the year would be naive of us as an entrepreneur development center. Some of the greatest achievements and growth can be traced back to times of failure, and that’s perfectly okay! We’ve seen great ideas and potential businesses put on the back burner this year and understand that life gets in the way sometimes. Just know that theCO is here to help. Ask us questions, and tell us about your struggles. We want nothing more than to see you grow personally and help your business grow as well.