Reflections: My Journey to theCO

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I never cease to be fascinated by the intricacies of timing. Specifically, how sometimes when the world opens itself up for you, you don’t quite see it for what it is or understand what’s happening for you. You inevitably jump when your gut says NOW! Yet you struggle to trust it. You’re surrounded by darkness as it swallows you whole.

Opportunity is scary like that, in its unfamiliarity. Seemingly the only thing to guide you is your own inner light. Dim as it may feel, as uncertain as it is, you still find yourself crawling around holding your breath and clinging to the little pieces of hope you find along the way, till the path lights up. You find yourself standing again, walking, then running to the next big thing. You’ll find yourself feeling so grateful you took the chance. 


Often dreamers, believers, entrepreneurs and artists think that opportunity is a singular big bang, and after that, the cosmic aligns and everything falls into place forever. I believed like that too, for a long time holding out for the biggest, baddest, bang. Dreaming of it, tasting it, believing it was there. But as little bursts of light, energy, and opportunities popped up instead I realized that more often than not, it's a series of small choices -some yes’s some no’s- that take you on the journey you’ll stay embarked on, hopefully for life. 

I remember the first time I stepped into theCO, back in February 2020. I met Courtney Searcy to begin discussing some pieces to write for Our Jackson Home. I immediately asked her, “How can I work here?” We were the only ones in the building that afternoon, but the energy was noticeably inviting. I wanted to be here.

Subsequently, I would find myself back through the doors at theCO for their entrepreneurial development program called CO.STARTERS. Over the course of eight weeks, I spent several hours on Tuesday nights after work up at theCO, figuring out how to make my dreams into reality. During that time, my work and personal life were in a massive and unprecedented upheaval. I found a lot of comfort and support here through the CO:staff and my peers in class. Low and behold, I was afforded an opportunity to work here, and to chase other dreams as well.

I’ve spent the summer writing blogs, helping with Porchfest, opening up my own brick and mortar retail space, and interestingly enough- healing. A combination which I never had anticipated. Positivity and support are medicinal, being around like-minded folks for the first time in my professional career had a profound impact on my confidence to keep pushing towards my own goals. No one at theCO ever looked at me like I was crazy, instead they offered advice, encouragement and just a simply a nice place to come to work everyday. 

As I reflect back on the summer, the idea that timing is everything rings very true to my life at this stage. Often when you’re exactly where you need to be, all those red and yellow lights turn green and you can accelerate full speed ahead to the next chapter. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have lived and learned through theCO, and will always cherish the time I spent here. 


CO.STARTERS Spotlight: Caleb Merriweather, Haven Insurance Partners


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